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2012-03-29 09:00:42
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The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Kingdom-Characters, High King and Queen




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By the way, did I mention we're in Germany?

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2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette turned around and looked at Alucard."Fine I won't touch her but she will not talk to me like I'm some common whore or shit she has just stepped in." She looked at Jacob."I laughed because she isn't what I expected a Elf to look like. I thought she would be more beautiful than myself. So I laughed when I noticed that I'm still the most beautiful in this family."

"Shall I inform him?"Faye asked.

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, Alucard already herd Sahiri's comment]

Jacob just shook his head a little, "She's not a vampire, so of course she's not going to be more beautiful than you." He started walking her down the hall so she wouldn't speak back to Alucard any more. "Besides, this is her kingdom by blood. Do your research little one. We're the ones who have just stepped in."

Sahiri jumped and practically flew off the bed. Her heart felt like it was in her throat and she could barely breath around the lump it created. She looked at him, "It was only a statement, not an action..." She said softly, "I can't avoid being publicly laughed at by your people for any longer..."

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: "Another reason to be glad that you're marrying a man such as myself." he said in a sarcastically pleased tone. "I would prefer to see you downstairs for publicity sake, so do hurry the hell up."

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: [sorry >.< Trying to wake up with the help of coffee and cigs lol ]

Yvette followed him down the hallway."I will try to be nice to her but she makes any comments about me being a pet then I will risk Alucard's punishment."

Faye stayed on the bed, not moving.

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, nice >.<]

Jacob just chuckled a little, "I'm sure she wont... Specially not with him around. Like a little mouse when he's around."

"I can't very well get ready if people keep coming by to view me, interrupting my getting dressed. Or would you rather I let people see me naked?" She flinched a little after she spoke and took a step back. She wanted to bite off her own tongue sometimes.

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked at Jacob."Promise she won't?"She pouted.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: He stared at Sahiri and stepped further into her room, shutting the door. "by all means, get dressed. The only show is for me now..."

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I promise." Jacob nodded, leading her to her dress, "Now change for the party."

Sahiri's eyes glanced to Faye, sitting quietly on the bed, then back to Alucard. She just wanted to hide, but the words had come out, and there was no escape now... Save for maybe throwing herself out the window behind her. So she took a deep breath and forced her legs to move and her feet to carry her to the wardrobe.

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fine."Yvette sighed. She was in her huffy moods. She got her dress once she walked into her room."I'll see you at the party." Then she shooed him out of her room.

Faye got off the bed."MY lord, it is against our laws for a future husband to see their future bride naked before the wedding night."She was talking bullshit but she couldn't let Sahiri change in front of Alucard. In Faye's book, that was a no-no.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: "I'm not moving because you think I'm in here to watch her strip to her birthday suit." He did his best not to smirk at the young woman's discomfort. He would not move to get a better look at her, because that day was to come on its own. Alucard's eyes hardly wandered further than her collar bones; glued to the pulse of the artery running down her slender neck.

2012-04-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri looked at Faye and shook her head a little to keep Faye from further pushing Alucard. She knew full well that Alucard was being kind when she pushed his buttons, nothing was stopping him from killing her dear friend. She glanced at him before quickly turning back to the wardrobe. She looked through the dresses and sighed a little. There wasn't any point in wearing one of her nice dresses, except maybe the fact that her plain dresses wouldn't pass- and she was almost positive that the people who hadn't met her yet would mistake her for a lost servant. She gave a slight shrug, and pulled out one of her favorites-a purple dress with silver trim embroidery. {<>}

Jacob went to his room and got dressed.

2012-04-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye forced herself not to speak back to Alucard. She walked over to Sahiri to see if she needed help with the dress.

Yvette got dressed into a beautiful red dress that she got from her late husband. Once she was dress she did her make up and hair. ( her dress

2012-04-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri let Faye take the purple dress and lay it out on the bed. She really wanted to tell Alucard to get out, but he looked pretty fixed to stay there. So instead she turned her back to him as she pulled off her dress.

2012-04-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye laid the dress out on the bed then she walked over to Sahiri, she stood behind her to block most of Alucards view of Sahiri.

2012-04-23 [MadHatress]: Alucard laughed at the girls and shook his head. "human modesty... Ashamed of what they look like for fear or falling prey to a lusty predator. Trust me; you shall have none of mine."

2012-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri sighed, turning to him once the dress was on, "Alucard, I am not human, number one. And number two, I am not ashamed of what I look like, but rather don't believe in showing my body to someone such as yourself. You would not know beauty if it bit you. I doubt you're able to distinguish from one woman's body to another; they must just be a blur." She hated being called human. There was nothing wrong with humans, but she wasn't one. And she doubted a human would like to be called an elf.

2012-04-29 [Sonya Blue]: Xena shook her head "for now..I live near the palace..."

Argo snorted, but remained still

[reposted it since rikki ignored]

2012-04-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye stood behind Sahiri, she was busy lacing up the dress.

Yvette double checked her hair and make-up. She put on the bracelet that Alucard had gave her for her first birthday as a vampire. She smiled a little and shook her head as she clipped on the bracelet. She waited in her room for someone to escort her to the party.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: [didn't ignore, was waiting for you to get back online! lol]

"You are more like a human than I could ever be again, and pushing your luck!" His eyes started to almost glow with anger. "I might be some sort of shovanistic ass that a CREATURE like you can't stand, but at least I know that I couldn't possibly see myself touching your scrawny body unclothed. I'd sooner bed my slaves before touching you... Things would be so much easier if I could just be rid of you and have all this land to have as my own." He stormed out of her room and made his way to Yvette's room; barking at anyone that stopped for even a second.

She nodded, smiling a little at Argo. "I cant stand living so close to the city... It seems more tolerable at night"

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri smirked a little to herself, it would almost be worth her life if she could see the look on his face the day after she was announced dead. Dragons would fill the sky and destroy the city. If he wasn't killed in the process, he'd probably give up on the land. She blew out some air and looked at her reflection, "It's his fault I'm scrawny." She muttered, then frowned and pushed that from her mind. Once the dress was put on, she put one of her mother's hairpins in her hair to keep her braid in place. She put in the matching earrings and then the necklace

(Hairstyle:<> Hairpin:<>

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked around her room and noticed some mess. She frowned and knew Alucard would yell at her which she hated. She started tidying up her room as fast as she could because she could feel Alucard coming to her room.

"You aren't scrawny, my lady."Faye said softly.

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